World War II Home Front

On Aug. 15, 2015, Elinor Otto, 95, an original “Rosie,” stands next to the newly dedicated Rosie the Riveter Memorial statue (left) at Marina Bay Park in Richmond, California. Elinor was a riveter during WWII and then returned to the job she loved in 1951. After riveting every C-17 delivered to the U.S. Air Force (USAF), she was laid off in 2014 at the age of 94 so she retired. She set the record for the longest working Rosie the Riveter! In 2017, Elinor was awarded the Air Force Association’s Lifetime Achievement Award and took her first ride in a C-17. (Photo: Redwood Educational Technologies).

Cornelia Fort (1919-1943): WAFS Pilot

Photo Above: Cornelia Fort (U.S. Air Force photo) Nov. 17, 2021 – Early on Dec. 7, 1941 in Honolulu, Hawaii, Cornelia Fort, 22, was doing...

July 15, 1941: First Contract for the Jeep is Awarded

STORY SNAPSHOT 1. On July 15, 1941, Willys-Overland signed a contract with the U.S. Army to make vehicles. The Army needed a four-wheel, small truck...

March 31, 1941: Rosie Begins Riveting

STORY SNAPSHOT On March 31, 1941, 25 women began their skilled jobs at a Vultee airplane factory, a factory making planes for the U.S. Army...

Tuskegee Airmen Defined by Excellence and Extraordinary Perseverance

STORY SNAPSHOT • Harold Brown was born in 1924 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. ...

The Mold in Dr. Florey’s Coat was Penicillium

STORY SNAPSHOT Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin in England in 1928. It was a substance produced by the mold, Penicillium. He was a doctor at St....

Betty Bishop Attends “Miss Betty” Dedication

STORY SNAPSHOT Betty Webster graduated from high school in 1943 in Tidioute, Pennsylvania. As soon as she turned 18 years old, she boarded a bus...

Dreamsville U.S.A. Still Serving the Home Front

March 9, 2020 - Dreamsville U.S.A. is not a figment of imagination or a placeholder on an architect’s blueprint designing an American utopia. It’s...

Heroes in the Cockpit: Vito and Geraldine Pedone (Part 1)

May 6, 2020 - As part of Lesson Plan #6 - Technology and Heroes in the Cockpit, the following is Part 1 of a...

Meet Irene: from Holocaust to Hope and Her Journey to America...

STORY SNAPSHOT Irene Hasenberg was born in Berlin, Germany on Dec. 11, 1930. John, her father (Pappi), served in the German military during World War...


Commemorative Air Force – Airbase Georgia